On Thursday, February 13th, the final conference of the ECePS ERA Chair "Promises and Paradoxes of Open Data" will be held at the University of Tartu Delta Building (Narva mnt 18, Room 1005).
The morning session will be dedicated to showcasing and discussing the research of the ECePS ERA Chair on team on e-governance, led by junior research fellows – Art Alishani, Biao He, Bogdan Romanov, Logan Emily Carmichael and doctoral student Stefan Dedovic.
After lunch, two panels will be held, focusing on the opportunities and limitations of open data from the perspectives of researchers and the private sector. The panels will feature representatives from the University of Tartu, TalTech, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Cybernetica AS, Nortal AS, Statistics Estonia and the State Information System Authority.
The conference will be held in English. More information on the conference website.